Firm Foundation Preparatory Academy desires to maintain a healthy school environment by instituting controls designed to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. The term “communicable disease” shall mean an illness which arises as a result of a specific infectious agent which may be transmitted either directly by a susceptible host or infected person or animal to other persons. A teacher or administrative official who reasonably suspects that a student or employee has a communicable disease shall immediately notify the administration. The reportable diseases include, but are not limited to, the following:
AIDS Head Lice Pertussis
Aids Related Complex Hemorrhagic Fevers Pesticide Poisoning
Amebiasis Hepatitis Plague
Anthrax Histoplasmosis Poliomyelitis
Botulism Human Psittacosis
Brucellosis Immunodeficiency Virus Rabies
Camphylobacteriosis Legionnaire’s Disease Relapsing Fever
Chancroid Leptospirosis Ringworm
Chicken Pox Lymphogranuloma Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever
Dengue Venereum Rubella
Diphtheria Malaria Salmonellosis
Encephalitis Measles Schitosomiasis
Fifth Disease Meningitis Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Giardiasis Meningococcal Disease Shigellosis
Gonorrhea Mononucleosis Smallpox
Granuloma Inquinale Mumps Syphilis
Hansen’s Disease Paralytic-Shellfish Tetanus
Conjunctivitus Poisoning