Report cards are issued at the end of each semester.
The letter grades are calculated as follows:
A-90-100 B- 80-89 C- 70-79 D- 69-65 F- 65 and Below 65 I- Incomplete
K-5-All elementary classes will use this grading system.
When an “Incomplete” is issued, the student has until the next progress report to complete outstanding assignments. At that time, if the work is still incomplete, the “Incomplete “becomes and “F.”
K- 4 students will receive a letter grade as follows:
E-Excellent S-Satisfactory N-Needs Improvement NI-Material Not Introduced
Students will also receive a letter grade for behavior as follows:
E-Excellent S-Satisfactory N-Needs Improvement U-Unsatisfactory
K4- 9th Grade- All pre-kindergarten, elementary and middle school students will receive a progress report every four and a half (4 ½) weeks.